Twitter has launched an online application process to receive request to verify an account. A white tick with the blue background signifies ‘official’ status of celebrities, pubic figures and organizations. Twitter approves account types maintained by users in music, acting, fashion, government, politics, religion, journalism, media, sports, business, and other key interest areas. But still you can try. Twitter has opened online application process to help more people find great, high quality accounts to follow and to easily connect with a broader audience.
The @CDCGov was one of the first Twitter accounts to be verified to help citizens find authentic and accurate public health information straight from the source. Among the other first accounts to be verified include @NASAArmstrong, @KimKardashian, @Oprah, @MilwaukeePolice, @SF311, and @TonyHawk.
To submit a verification request for your account you have to submit following information:
-A verified phone number
-A confirmed email address
-A bio
-A profile photo
-A header photo
-A birthday (for accounts that are not company, brand, or organization accounts)
-A website
-Tweets set as public in Tweet privacy settings
Twitter will respond to your request via email. If you’re unsuccessful at first you can always reapply. However, you will need to wait 30 days after receiving the email.