The Sony group has sent demand letters to various media to try to prevent the dissemination of information that was stolen from it when hacking its servers.
Read More »Social Network pays you for activity
Social Network, the 21st century phenomenon twisted people and their activity in front of a digital screen. Everybody is social now! with an account on Facebook/Twitter or others and sharing what they doing and thinking. This creates huge content on web and social networks generating huge profit with these which you produce for then in free. All of the popular social networks has 'Share' button for you to share your content (status, photos, videos) and none of them giving you 'share' on profit they are making using your content. World's largest social network Facebook slogans 'It's free and always will be' for sign up, means Facebook is offering you free access on their network. Here you never think in return you are giving Facebook precious contents without any cost and they are making billions of dollars with your content.
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