Now, your friend can know exactly from where you are sending FB messages to him/her. Before Facebook Messenger of your phone used to send nearby locations, if you was on conversations with your friend from Thamel, at that time Messenger on your friend’s mobile has showed Kathmandu as your location. But after a new Chrome extension developed, your friend will see you are in Thamel during your conversation not only that s/he would know which message send was from where with exact location point.
The location data provided by the extension is more accurate than others available these days. New extension can pinpoint Messenger user locations to about a meter and can search old messages to create a map of the user’s travels during the past days Bill Snyder writes on his blog.
Those who do not want to share their location details to other users they can disable location service by changing the setting of their phone or disabling Messenger’s location access or together.