Often we all listen to irritating tones while calling someone and cannot avoid listening to those tones until someone picks call at another end. For those who care about their caller Nepal Telecom and Ncell two major mobile service provider offering ringback tone service to change the monotonous ringback tones into melodious tunes. Either you user Ncell’s Personal Ring Back Tone (PRBT) or NTC’s Caller Ring Back Tones (CRBT), I’m sure with the melodious tunes your caller doesn’t get bothered if you unable to pick the call.
In this post, I’m going to explain Ncell’s Afnai Dhun, a PRBT service which makes your caller’s experience to melodious before you start chatting with them. Ncell PRBT is a personalization service, this replaces the standard ringing sound for your caller either friends or family to enjoy when they call you. Instead, you can choose a song or clip for your callers to hear before you pick up a call.
Afnai Dhun seems more personalized to you Ncell users, you can sing any song and record as a tune and then set as PRBT.
To activate Ncell Afnai Dhun
If you want to activate favorite song on your own voice to set as a PRBT just dial 17117 and then select your preferred language, as usual, 1-for English & 2- for Nepali then press 6 and follow the instructions.
If you are new user for PRBT dial 17117 and subscribe PRBT first.
Cost for your pocket
PRBT = Rs. 10 per month
Recorded PRBT = Rs. 10 per month per tone
One thing you probably know, rates disclosed by operators in Nepal are exclusive of government taxes.
Validity of Afnai Dhun
Once you select Afnai Dhun PRBT it will be valid for three months unless you deactivate before the three months. Guys careful at this point if you want to use this PRBT service for only once or for less than three months, make sure you deactivate this service on time.
How to deactivate 
To deactivate Ncell Afnai Dhun PRBT you need to
- Dial 17117
- Select preferred language, 1-for English & 2- for Nepali
- press 3
How to delete Aafnai Dhun only?
To delete Aafnai Dhun you need to:
- Dial 17117
- Select preferred language, 1-for English & 2- for Nepali
- Press 2 to go to your library and follow the instructions to remove the tune.
Be careful and make sure you deactivate the proper one, deleting Afnai Dhun might not mean you deactivate Ncell PRBT.