Its a great deal for most of the people to pass the Microsoft Exam, many of us tried and may be failed but the Five-year-old Ayan Qureshi,Pakistani immigrant of United Kingdom, displays the miracle as he passed the Microsoft Certified Professional Training.
The Ayan’s mother is a GP in training, and father is an IT consultant who introduced his son to computer hardware at the mere age of 3. Aryan was apparently very receptive to how computers worked and grasped the concepts very quickly.
Ayan spent two hours a day for five months preparing for the Microsoft exam, helped by his father and long-distance tuition from London-based firm IT Bolts.Ayan has since spent about 2 hours every day learning about the Windows operating system, how to install programs, and what&how PC components such as motherboards and hard drives work, and has his own IT lab at home with a computer network that he built.
“He was first curious about how the computer actually works, and what a network was. I answered his questions, and then when he kept saying how interested he was, I explained to him the theory in as simple terms as possible,” Ayan’s father says. He also added, “Aryan mind is something magical one”.
Ayan was competent on a laptop before he was three and could play computer games with ease.
Ayan joins Arfa Karim among a list of a Pakistanis who have attained Microsoft certifications at increasingly young ages. Karim in 2004, at only nine years old, became the youngest Microsoft Certified Professional.