Mumbai Tops the Internet Users in India


A study has shown that the Bollywood city Mumbai has the highest number of internet users in India. The country has 342 million web surfers among them 16.4 million dwells in the Mumbai. The Internet users grew roughly by 4 million in comparison to 2013. Last year there were only about 12 million Internet users.

The joint study by the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) found that the Capital Delhi with 12.1 million internet users comes in second position. The capital city saw 50% raise in Web surfers which is highest boost in comparison the top eight cities. The IAMAI research found that India had about 243 million Internet users as of June 2014. According to study Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad and Pune are the top cities of India accommodate the largest number of web users.

Capital of Bengal Kolkata comes third in the list with 6.27 million users, followed by IT hub Bangalore, 5.99 million, and Chennai, 5.58 million. Surat had 2.97 million users, followed by Jaipur 2.35 million, Lucknow 1.95 million and Vadodara 1.85 million. The study indicates that these top eight cities are accounted for just around 58 million internet users.

IAMA founded in January  2004  by leading portals in India. It is the only specialized industry body in India representing the interest of online and mobile value added service industry

After the rise of Narendra Modi the India is optimistic boost of modernism which will speed up the numbers of internet users.The Modi government is already using Gujarat model of development where most of the government works were done through the help of digital technology.

About Abhinaya Ghimire

Abhinaya Ghimire is a tech savvy person who loves keeping information about ICT and media. Graduated from Kathmandu University in Bachelor of Media Stuides, he is equally involved in making short films, documentaries and also has his own photo blog

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