#जयनेपाल now #Twitter #hashtags in #नेपाली and #संस्कृत

#जयनेपाल now #Twitter #Hastag in #नेपाली and #संस्कृत - Doorsanchar
Since last year, Twitter became major public sphere to interact social as well as political stuff in Nepal. With the growing number of ‘Twitte’ Nepalese netizens have been tweeting in own Nepali language since Twitter announced Devnagari support back in September 2011.

Interacting in own language is far better than in English using the native script. Using own language Nepalese ‘Twittes’ has defined dozens of Nepalese terms for Twitter like ‘ड्याम्मे’, ‘ट्वीटे’, ‘बतासे’, ‘हावा छेकुवा’. But one of the most talked Twitter feature-the #hashtag didn’t lend itself to native Nepalese scripts.

Related: Top Nepalese Twitter handles to follow

It’s the happiest news for Nepalese ‘Twitte’ as well as the whole nation from February 15, Nepalese Twitte can use hashtags in own language #नेपाली and #संस्कृत. Twitter has extended its hashtags features to Nepalese and Indian languages. Actually, Twitter had quietly rolled out support for hashtags in a number of Devnagari and Indian languages.

With the growing internet market in India almost all internet and social networking companies has started to extend their features to Devanagari and other scripts used in South Asia. Indian used the hashtag in Devnagari feature when India beat arch-rivals Pakistan for the sixth time in a Cricket World Cup on February, 15 with #जयहिन्द the first hashtag in the Devnagiri script.

Twitter is yet to officially announce hashtag inclusion for more scripts which are in use in South Asian countries.

Now tweets can be hashtagged in the following South Asian languages:

– Sanskrit
– Devanagari (Hindi, Marathi)
– Bengali
– Gujarati
– Punjabi
– Oriya
– Tamil
– Telugu
– Malayalam
– Kannada
Other languages/scripts that can now be hashtagged by Twitter users are:
– Greek
– Armenian
– Georgian
– Amharic
– Sinhala
– Tibetan
– Burmese
– Laotian
– Khmer

Before this extension, Twitter users could add a # symbol before a set of characters, but then these were not indexed, ranked and hyperlinked by Twitter.

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Doorsanchar, the website covers Tech & Telecom issues in Nepal. Connect with us Following on Twitter and Like our page on Facebook.

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