How long has it been since you are connected to the internet? Can’t remember? Then recalling the websites you have subscribed and online services you have signed into might also be equally difficult. Not to worry, a website will help you in this. Some Swedish developers have developed a website which helps you figure out your internet presence and delete them all with a single press.
If you have had enough of this internet world and tired of securing yourself from internet fraud and want to get rid of it, the website called developed by Wile Dahlbo and Linus can help you quit the internet. This website will help you see the online sites you have subscribed with the help of your Gmail account. And remember, the website won’t have access to your login information. It uses Google’s security protocol.
It’s pretty simple to delete your online presence. Just go to>sign in with your Gmail address. You will be provided with a list of synced accounts and select which you want to delete and press the delete button. It’s done.